Tag: romance

20 Creative Ways to Say I Love You

20 Creative Ways to Say I Love You

heart in the snow
a heart warms every chilly day

I used to hate Valentine’s Day. I was in my mid-twenties and I’d simulate gagging when I saw young women walking around campus with roses. Then, I found the man who became my life partner and best friend. It took him a year to say he loved me (I would be damned to say it first). This post is dedicated to him, the sweetheart worth waiting for!

20 creative ways to say I Love You.

  1. Through the winds of change, my love blow constant.
  2. Keep Calm & Love Me.
  3. In your eyes, I see our together.
  4. You are the butter on my toast.
  5. You own the domain name of my heart.
  6. You don’t suck.
  7. Without you, my life lacks meaning.
  8. I trust you.
  9. You are the warmth of sunshine upon my heart.
  10. You are the best part of my every day.
  11. You make me want to wear nice/naughty clothes.
  12. In my heart, I know one thing to be true: you are my everything.
  13. Would that  I could, ’cause I would/wood with you.
  14. I love you more.
  15. I will be the star that guides your darkest night.
  16. Let me be your hole in one.
  17. You brighten the darkest of my days.
  18. You’re irresistible.
  19. Let me wrap my love around you and keep you safe.
  20. I want to make you feel great.

Add your creative ways to say I Love You in the comments!

Happy Valentine’s Day!