“The Wrath of Atticus” Kickstarter FAQ
Where can I pre-order my book?
What is this Kickstarter campaign?
This is a way for you to appear in the story and be part of the publishing journey. Your support gets Viper to print faster!
When is the last day to order?
Kickstarter ends at 00:30 hrs on May 11th. The last FULL day to order is May 10th.
Can I pay whatever amount I’d like?
Yes. Choose the “Back without a reward” option. You qualify for the bonus rewards while quantities last.
Can I pre-order a print book?
Absolutely! Autographed, no less.
Can I pre-order an ebook?
Can I get both books?
Yes. The descriptions indicate which tiers offer both books and in which format(s).
Are there hardback copies?
Not yet, no. However, I may produce hardback copies as collector items with the final trilogy release.
What is a stretch goal and what will you do with that extra money?
I asked for $2K for editing. The stretch goals provided added benefit like the free book “Inside Voices” and the release of the tee shirt design. The “extra” money isn’t really extra. Money from the stretch goals that isn’t used to pay for those stretch rewards, will be applied directly to the cost of publishing “The Wrath of Atticus,” such as paying for the participating artists (cover design, model, art, etc). Your hard-earned dollars will be wisely spent towards the production of this awesome book.
Can I buy a book after May 11th?
Yes, through regular book selling methods. This won’t include the added rewards, exclusive opportunities, or your in-book credit as a backer of the novel.
How much is the retail cost of the book?
The book will retail for $19.99 Canadian, plus tax where applicable.
Why is shipping added after the funding price?
Shipping cost is the bane of my publishing existence. I included shipping for backers who contribute $50 or more. I’m sorry that I couldn’t include it for under $50 backers of the print books. Kickstarter only bases cost of shipping per country, not postal code.
What is the $4K stretch goal?
The next stretch goal is a FIRST EDITION collectible enamel pin of Viper’s magical glyphs. This pin is included in all backer contributions $50 and up.
Can I change my backer amount?
Thank you for considering it. Yes you can, through the Kickstarter website or app.
Do I need to create an account with Kickstarter to back the project?
No. You can donate as a guest. However, I may need your address for shipping.
When is book 3 going to be published?
Book 3 (working title: The Return of the Gawr) is already in the works and I plan to publish it by next year or early 2020 at the latest.
Why did you choose Kickstarter?
Crowdfunding the book gives my reading community a unique opportunity to participate in my publishing process and invest in the series. Kickstarter has a wide-reaching platform to help me achieve that goal.
What does “all or nothing” mean?
The Kickstarter platform will not give contributions to a creator if they have not met their target goal. We did! Your rewards will arrive.
Who does your marketing?
Just me. I’d rather be writing, but I can’t afford to hire a marketing and PR team right yet.