Tag: Publishing

Skyrocketed! The Wrath of Atticus Kickstarter’s Dramatic News

Skyrocketed! The Wrath of Atticus Kickstarter’s Dramatic News

Last night, I posted on Instagram, sharing how the first day of my Kickstarter campaign fared.


When I turned to my campaign on Kickstarter to share the picture in a creator’s post, I discovered that one benefactor backed the campaign by the full $2000!! I was so excited to share the news, that I didn’t even put on my “author glasses,” or makeup, or brush my hair.

I’m still reeling from the news.

To the wonderful backer who launched The Wrath of Atticus to the next level, thank you for showing me how much you believe in me and my creative work. Editing is a huge component of a good story, but my campaign is more than about money, and you’ve proven that beyond a doubt.

My campaign is about people like A.J. Hare, the first backer, a fellow author who spontaneously staffed my table at Word on the Street so I could get food and go pee. It’s about long-distance supporters and fans like Sunshine, who met me at the start of this journey. She never fails to set me straight when I falter. From early bird backers to last minute supporters, this core of this campaign is about honouring a community of people who love speculative fiction for its escape and renewal.

I’m still processing the phenomenal success of this Kickstarter. And it’s not over yet! I’m going to guess that a person who’s willing to guarantee that The Wrath of Atticus gets to print sooner rather than later wants my reading community to get more of my content, and that of the talented people I collaborate with.

The Kickstarter continues apace, not for the money, but for the journey and its unique opportunities. I’ll be back later with more details!

After I start breathing.