New Writing Prompt Features You!
New for 2022: I’m incorporating ways to feature other writers on this blog. I reached out to one of my Facebook groups last week and invited writers to promote themselves via a weekly writing prompt.
It’s easy to get in on the action… put your writing on the post in my Facebook group or on Instagram. You don’t need to be a published writer to participate with the writing prompt. Thanks to author Arlene Marks for kicking things off!
We were doing great until someone exhumed one of the bodies.
Arlene marks
Arlene is a Canadian multi-genre novelist, editor, and retired English teacher. Her most recent collection of short stories is Imaginary Friends, published by Brain Lag.

If you’re looking for FREE reads, don’t forget to grab your copy of Pandora’s Hole, the short story that’s presently exclusive to my reading community.