Category: Random Schnit

I Am Germ.

I Am Germ.

I am germ.


I’m afraid that’s all you’re going to get out of me today. The viruses are winning. Having cancelled 4 appointments because of the blerg, I’m calling it quits on pushing myself. One of those was a parent advocacy meeting at my son’s school because to help manage increasingly undesirable behaviour.

Yep. I’m stepping away from the To Do List for another day.

That’s what the granola crew would call “self-care.”

Not that I disagree, of course. I can’t be a decent parent, partner, writer, and whatever else I have to be, if I don’t have a modicum of health.

Upcoming on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I’ll feature some of the authors of the 2018 Winter Wonderland of Reading Giveaway. You can win books, prizes, and have a shot at $120 PayPal Cash in the grand prize.