Review 2019: There’s Nowhere To Go But Up
Let’s review 2019. I saw amazing places, met great people, and had wonderful family moments. But I felt like the year happened to me instead of with me.
I was the paper boat precariously floating along the rushing river, each moment a step closer to water-logged submersion.
After the fallout from my mother’s death, I retreated into my proverbial turtle shell. I feel like I “phoned in” much of 2019. That’s why I disappeared at times, particularly by the end of year. Can’t say that it was clinical depression, but I sure as Hell didn’t feel like my typical zesty self.
I’m sure there’s a book in all of my emotional baggage.
Review 2019: One Goal Smashed
However, one thing went really well. I’ve talked before about setting SMART goals. I’m pleased to report that I practiced what I preach.
In the last 9 months, I’ve been training for the upcoming runDisney Star Wars Half Marathon and Kessel Challenge. From a starting pace of “let zombies eat me,” I have just completed my first virtual half marathon at a pace within race-day requirements. I still have 3 more months of training to go until the on-site event. No “balloon lady” is gonna roll me over!

You may wonder what this has to do with me writing stories for you. First of all, since I’m no longer totally exhausted by training, I am back at the keyboard and not dying in a sweaty puddle on my living room floor after a workout.
Secondly, with this physical success, my energy is high and my ambition higher. If my 2019 review sucks, then 2020 is Lesley’s Leap Year, my year to make magic for you.
Determination Is Hard Work
If there’s one thing we know about in my household, it’s determination. From fighting for life to putting one foot in front of the other on a half marathon, perseverance is our game. And it’s hard freakin’ work!
The end product, is worth it–in this case, captivating worlds for you to escape into. You deserve that escape and I love writing it for you. Keep up to date with what’s coming down your entertainment pipeline by coming back for updates like Wordless Wednesday tomorrow. Or, get the early and exclusive 4-1-1 directly into your email inbox.
What is your 2020 goal?