Do You Wanna Write a Blog Post? (& Viking Elsa costume debut)
Do you wanna write a blog post?
You know it’s been so long.
So many ideas in your head
There’s so much unsaid,
Or write it as a song.
I know that you’ve been busy
With your manuscript
But I think you should take the time.
Do you wanna write a blog post?
Yes it has to be a blog post.
Make it rhyme.

Even though I’m not a winter person, I love Disney’s cartoon musical Frozen. In particular, the Snow Queen Elsa captivated me. I’m late to the Frozen Parade, but I’m as hooked as the next big-hearted, crusty on the outside, mushy on the inside, musical loving person.
Queen Elsa invaded my brain. I purchased a wig (which doubles as Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen hair, oh yeah!) and waited for the opportunity to wear it.
Cha-ching, hello 2015! In January, my SCA friends and I celebrated 12th Night, a medieval feast which brings joy and frivolity into the deeper weeks of winter. When I found out the theme was “come wearing garb inspired by a costume character,” guess who popped into my brain? That’s right. Queen Elsa. Since The Queen’s Viper manuscript neared completion, I let my other creative urges loose and whipped up a Viking Elsa costume. Don’t look for authentic hand stitching on that particular garb.

A little girl saw me and I thought she was going to give herself a coronary screaming, “Elsa! Elsa! Elsa!” That kind of worship can be addictive. Do all Coplayers have the soul of a Leo? I’m sure the Fates wanted me to take a break and attend this event to spend time with people I’ve not seen for almost a year because I’ve been working so hard. How do I know this? Viking Anna showed up at the event, completely unplanned, as created and worn by one of my best pals from high school. What a fabulous coincidence! Elise hand embroidered the Viking apron dress in colours matching Anna’s winter dress. She’ll be posting details about her dress construction soon.
In my return to blogging, it seems my #DisneySide stayed with me. Hence, the parody at the top of the post. What better way to announce my latest accomplishment with The Queen’s Viper than a filk of “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” from the film? Not as funny as the many “Do You Wanna” spoofs on YouTube, I know, but once that song worm gets into your head, you play with the words.
However, I couldn’t filk an entire song because it has such a sad ending and I’m feeling quite the opposite!
My announcement: 92 000!
Say it with me: ninety-two thousand words. I completed The Queen’s Viper draft for editing and beta reads! Cue celebratory music and dancing.
Plan for launch: April 2015. Sure, I have an aggressive schedule, but I’m not well known for doing things traditionally. Heck, look at the way I gave birth!
This is my first fiction, with a writing process quite different from my NICU memoir. I revealed characters in my brain and brought them to life instead of creatively portraying real human beings. Not all of the characters in The Queen’s Viper are who I expected them to be, either.
The manuscript’s earliest version began with a different kind of supernatural creature. Although she remained predatory and immortal, my protagonist’s original life as a vampire was short lived (pun intended?). I have nothing against writing a vampire novel, by any means.
Unbeknownst to me, the creature who emerged from my brain wanted to be something else. Now, I’m waiting (less than patiently) for feedback and editorial adjustments whilst I also pick apart the manuscript. I once read, “edit until your fingers bleed.”
In case you’re wondering, Viking Elsa bleeds red, just like Snow White.
disclaimer: If you haven’t purchased Frozen yet, and you get it from Amazon through my link, you’ll be happy knowing you contributed a few cents to the making of this costume.
3 Replies to “Do You Wanna Write a Blog Post? (& Viking Elsa costume debut)”
Grats on your manuscript lady! 🙂
atta girl. I love that you are done. I love the costume. I LOVE YOu!
You’re so cute Lesley! I used to do Cosplay with my friends back in the day, so this brings back memories. 🙂