Category: NaNoWriMo

I’m Not Letting Dust Settle!

I’m Not Letting Dust Settle!

I love October because a) it’s Halloween and b) ALL THE WRITING THINGS!

In the ebb and flow of my calendar year, CanConSF 2019 has become a staple for connecting with the Canadian Speculative Fiction community of writers and readers. I’m always in awe of the talent that our country produces, and the way that CanConSF elevates our expectations of spec fic both as creators and consumers.

The following weekend, I spoke at the Writers’ Community of York Region’s inaugural writing conference about the inaccuracies in fiction on death and life-threatening situations. I whittled my thoughts into a two hour workshop but, boy, did we have fun as we skimmed the surface of the “yeah right” of medical representations.

But That’s Not All…

Sitting in a chair or standing at my desk isn’t exactly conducive to long-term health. To that end, I’ve training for a half-marathon in the spring of 2020. Yesterday evening I completed my first 10K race! I ran the Monster Dash at the Ontario Science Center in support of Bloorview Kids Rehab.

So, what does a whirlwind do when all of that winds down? Take a few days off to rest?

Hell no! No rest for this whirlwind!

I Want To Help You Succeed!

NaNoWriMo is days away and I’m seeking five (5) people to be part of an exclusive coaching group to get YOUR manuscript done!

Forget the stereotype of the emotionally distressed author holed up in their room pounding out words on a typewriter. You don’t have to be alone in order to succeed.

If fact, participating in a like-minded community stirs your creative and motivational juices into a completed project. That’s why I’m putting together a select group of writers for NaNoWriMo. And there’s absolutely NO FEE to be part of it.

Maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe you have a book in progress but have a hard time finishing it. With motivational prompts, writing tips, personalized feedback, and group check-ins, the only thing you need to do to get your manuscript done is be in your chair! No money. No gimmicks!

There’s only a few days left until NaNoWriMo starts, so don’t wait. Tell me about the book that you’d like to complete in November.