Last Minute Gifts for Authors and Writers
When it comes to Christmas, my husband and I ask each other what we’d like, then add in a small surprise gift. He hasn’t managed to get me the Disney Marketing team and budget that I’ve asked for, mind you.
I surveyed several folks about what makes a great gift for a writer. If you’re still looking for a last minute gift for an author, check out what these fine folks suggest!
What Do Writers Want for Christmas?
Tools that help authors and writers achieve their goals and do it well are always a great idea. Matthew Olney suggested a year’s subscription to Grammarly, an online writing tool for grammar, spelling, and plagiarism. It works across programs including social media sites.
A good thesaurus saves time and increases productivity. Anita Stewart highly recommends The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide To Character Expression, and Andrea Lamoureux loves Angela Ackerman’s Thesaurus books for authors. The Chicago Manual of Style is the standard followed by most publishers. Don’t let your author meet the slush pile on account of bad style!
You can’t go wrong with gifting a notebook. Paper made from stone is the latest trend in journals. I have a little booklet made of “stone paper” and it has a velvety texture that’s water resistant. Include a sexy pen and your gift won’t be forgotten! Digital software is also essential for authors. Scrivener by Literature & Latte is the writing program I use to plan and write my larger manuscripts. Don’t forget to include a Scrivener for Dummies guidebook. Digital notebooks may require purchase or subscription, and are best used when they can by synced across devices or with the subscription to a cloud service like Dropbox.
Keep Your Writer Healthy and Happy!
My big author-y ask last year was for a standing desk (after I’d heard Julie Czerneda raving about hers). I’m so glad that I pestered my Santa into buying one. I have more energy every day, stand on my BOSU ball for core balance, and I’m more productive. D.W. Hawkins made this same suggestion “so your butt doesn’t grow to the size of a small town from years of sitting.”
Speaking of the physical aspect of writing, why not upgrade your writer to an ergodynamic keyboard? These curved keyboards keep hands in a position of function and help prevent a repetitive stress injury that causes pain in the wrists from a typically straight keyboard (carpal tunnel syndrome). I hate using any other kind of keyboard! If fine motor or typing presents a problem, give someone the dream of writing their book with a good desktop microphone and dictation software like Dragon by Nuance (or Google’s free version of dictation software).
Love your writer enough to keep them fed and watered? I really like Nathan A. Thompson’s suggestion of frappuchinos and easy-heat dinners. Jeff Kohanek might have one-upped him with a request for a Beer of the Month Club membership. I’m not so much about the coffee and beer, but I’m with Catherine Walker on a Wine of the Month membership!
Transcend Physical Gifts
Time is the gift that keeps on giving. Authors Angel Haze and Markie Wallis want to see every writer who is a parent get dedicated child care in their Christmas stocking. If you’re tight on budget, put together a tear-away coupon book with blocks of time your writer can “cash in.” Want to spoil that special author in your life? Send them to a writing retreat, or for a solo get-away weekend. Alternatively, you could consider sponsoring them for a writers’ conference, where they can network with like-minded creatives.
While it’s nice to have a present under the tree to unwrap, authors also appreciate any help they can get in marketing and PR. Offer to purchase the writer’s next batch of promotional materials on their behalf, or pay for a month (or more) of their email and marketing, or toward editing services. Need a cheaper option? Offer your personal assistance to promote the latest release. I’m sure it will be appreciated ten-fold!
M.D. Presley made a great old-school suggestion of a giant white board to satisfy all your author’s plotting and formulation needs. Authors appreciate gift cards from online retailers to buy more books (of course!). We never stop reading. From thumb drives and external storage options, to noise cancelling headphones, there are lots of options for last minute gifts for writers and authors no matter where they are in their career.