Whoot! Can-ConSF 2017 Here I Come!
I’m thrilled to head to Ottawa this weekend for Can-ConSF 2017, the 3 time Aurora nominated convention for writers and readers of Speculative Fiction (fantasy, scifi, and horror). I’ll have many hats on my head as I fulfill the roles of…
Book Seller…
Find me in the Dealer’s Room all weekend, where I’ll have paper copies of The Queen’s Viper on sale, as well as unique accessories for readers and writers. I’m not a sleezy seller, and I’ll have goodies to share (sugery ooh yum yum goodies). Please come and say hello!
If you love books and their roles in stories, as portals, characters, agents of change, plot devices, you name it, then come to Ancient Grimoires, Occult Texts, and Dusty Tomes with me, Erik Buchanen, Evan May, Michelle Sagara, and Peter Halasz in Salon C at 1200 on Saturday.
Check out the jam-packed CanConSF schedule online.
Live Reading…
PLUS catch a live preview from The Wrath of Atticus during my reading on Sunday at 1 p.m. in Salon B. Also reading in this time block are Jim Davies and Cait Gordon.